Monday, August 26, 2013

The Reason.

It was a lazy afternoon.
“Nothing to do.” She thought to herself.
The loneliness was killing her. It has been ages since she went out or did something crazy.
“Shall I paint”?   She looked at the half used paint bottles, lying in the corner of her room.
“Maybe not today.” She consoled her artistic excitement.
She was at her wit’s end. Time was never a problem for her, she always had plenty.
She gently strolled around her living room, trying to figure out a way to kill her boredom.
The balcony of her living room provided an ample view of the grandeur of her garden.
“But it’s so lonely.” She thought to herself.
As her eyes wandered through the magnificence of the garden, she saw a pile of clay.
“I know.” She exclaimed with enthusiasm.
“ Lemme try my hands at making sculptures.”

And thus, God created man.

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