Monday, August 26, 2013

Another day in paradise

"It's been raining for 3 days straight...",she thought.
"She must be cold and hungry. Please, one slice of bread, one tea, anything to fill her belly". She prayed.
"I dont have an ounce of milk in me for you.. I am so sorry."
She stood customarily in front of the sandwich joint.
"People always throw away the crust."
But the rains had spoilt her plans. Everything in the dustbin was immersed in water. There was nothing to grab on to.
The evening gave way to a busy night.
Her baby stopped moving.
She wished she could make her latch on to her chest like yesterday. But she dint. She was motionless.
She passed a dustbin, where she traded her beloved piece of flesh with a piece bread.
"Save the girl child", said a billboard above the bin.

The end.

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